are a few well meaning Christian friends who ask me about my leaning towards
eastern philosophy and meditation. I would like to disabuse their minds.
admit that before becoming a Christian I was particularly interested in the Eastern
Religious forms of Meditation. After I became a Christian I was heavily
influenced by the writings of Brother Lawrence, “The Practice of the Presence
of God.”
transcendental form of meditation in eastern thought is an attempt to empty the
mind, to be detached from the world, and in the process to lose one’s self, and
become one with the so called Cosmic mind.
discipline of contemplative meditation, which, is hardly discernible, among
Christians, except to a few who have embraced the monastic life, is not
exclusively innate to Eastern thought or Philosophy.
means “the act of focusing one’s thoughts: to ponder, think on, muse.”
is reflective thinking or contemplation, usually on a specific subject to
discern its meaning or significance or a plan of action.
is synonymous with contemplation, reflection, rumination, deep thinking, or
remembering in the sense of keeping or calling something to mind for the
purpose of consideration, reflection, or meditation.
abounds with passages teaching, even commanding us, to Meditate:
“Finally, brothers and sisters,
whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or
praiseworthy—think about such things.”(Philippians 4:8)
“When I remember Thee on my bed, I
meditate on Thee in the night watches”(Psalm 6:36)
“I remember the days of old; I meditate
on all Thy doings; I muse on the work of Thy hands.” (Psalm 143:5)
is it then that this religious discipline of Meditation is hardly significant
in the lives of modern day Christians?
reason is perhaps the lack of understanding, teaching, or practice of Biblical Meditation as an
individual discipline, which shapes and directs the life of a believer. Another reason, yet, may be the complete misunderstanding
of the contemplative discipline as something unique only in Eastern thought,
and religion, that, to even consider the practice, would expose
the Christian mind to mystical or new age thinking. This position is
understandable for it seems that a thin, line, divides the external meditative
life of a Christian and the eastern
Christians our meditation is anchored on God’s Word, the Bible. Biblical Meditation
is object oriented. It begins with the reading, re-reading, memorizing of God’s
Word; thinking, and reflecting. The
object of reflection is God, His Word, and His revealed truths.
Christian meditation may involve a greater degree of silence and solitude,
unlike the Eastern tradition it does not mean sitting and focusing the mind
upon infinity or emptying the mind so that some cosmic force is summoned to fill it through
repetition of some chant or mantra. The Eastern forms of meditation teach
detachment from the world. The object is detachment.
meditation, involves becoming removed from the ways of the world, from worldly
thoughts and influences, that we may abide with the living God through Christ.
The object of Christian meditation is the worship of the true and living God.
It is the discipline of walking in the spirit and not in the flesh.(Galatians
is where Christian meditation diverges from the similarity. Meditation in the Bible is an exercise in
reflective thinking, divining Biblical truths, with the guidance of the Holy
Spirit, who indwells every believer. In this way God is able to speak to the believer
through Scripture, and through the thoughts that come to mind which reflects on
the Word, filtered by the Word. A
Christian who practices the contemplative life of meditation is ever mindful
God’s reminder to his creation, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
(Isaiah 55:9)