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ON MEDITATION There are a few well meaning Christian friends who ask me about my leaning towards eastern philosophy and meditation. I w...

Monday, July 22, 2013



The alarming rise of suicides in the wealthy city state of Singapore has been reported recently. There has been a 29 percent increase in the suicide rate mostly by young people, who suffer stress and interpersonal issues.

Despite the wealth and prosperity enjoyed by its inhabitants, Singapore has a high pressure work and school environment.  There is little or insignificant emotional and interpersonal support system, adding more woes, and loneliness, to sufferers of depression in this affluent country of 5 million people. What is interesting is suicide is punishable as an offense under Singapore law, that is, if one survives the attempt, he or she may yet serve a prison term.

We may wonder why in the midst of this affluence and prosperity, in spite of high income and standard of living, the increase in spending, the comfort of material possessions, and easy access to pleasurable pursuits, unhappiness and depression seem to have increased all the more.

I am reminded of an acquaintance who once commented that if he were a rich man he would be very happy with no problems in life and all his troubles would simply go away. I doubt, however, if all his troubles would simply vanish.

In this world we will have troubles, it does not really matter whether one is rich or not. What really matters is the assurance of Christ who said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”(John 16:33)

The Psalmist David, a King, who by the world’s standard today can be regarded as a powerful and successful figure, was a man after God’s own heart. He did not say he found happiness in his power as the anointed King of his people, or his worldly accomplishment, or possessions. He declared: “Happy is that people whose God is the Lord.”  (Psalm 144:15)

Man has been designed to find fulfillment in connecting with his Creator. Man was not intended to exist in isolation. God created the human family to be the strongest support system which sustains him as he relates to others and to life in this present world. Ultimately, man’s deepest connection is his relationship with his Creator. The increasing isolation and disconnectedness of people in some affluent societies driving them to suicidal acts is too high a price to pay.

Unless man comes to the enlightened realization that there is this gaping hole of emptiness in his heart, which keeps him restless, until he finds rest in his Creator, (St. Augustine’s Confessions) joy and happiness would continue elude him.

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