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Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Righteousness Of Joseph: Rising Above Legalism

The Righteousness Of Joseph: Rising Above Legalism

I am fascinated by  Joseph, the earthly human father of Jesus Christ. Here is a man who broke away from the legal conventions of Jewish law pertaining to marriage.

To clearly appreciate why the Holy Scripture describes Joseph as a righteous man, we have to take a closer look at the Jewish system of marriage. Jewish law like any legal system governing marriages has remarkably strict formal requisites. This was the legal milieu in which our Savior was conceived, and born, from a humble couple of Jewish ancestry of the lineage of King David, admittedly the greatest king of Israel.

The virgin birth of our Lord and the blessedness of Mary His mother have been the focus of the spotlight in this tableau that Joseph has so far been overshadowed. 

The Bible declares Joseph was a righteous man. With this affirmation it may be well to shift the spotlight and see what kind of a man was Joseph, the husband of Mary. I mentioned the Jewish custom on marriage at the outset because this is the mirror where we begin to see  up close the face of this man,  husband and father.

We are told that the angel came to a virgin named Mary, the favored one. The virginity of Mary is affirmed in Scripture.  She was sexually pure, signifying that the human agency whom God chose to bring His Son into this world was a pure vessel.

Now Mary the virgin was already betrothed to Joseph when the angel delivered the news that she was with child by the Holy Spirit. This news was shocking. Obviously Mary did not tell Joseph that she was pregnant. But sooner the discovery became inevitable, as Joseph was kept in the dark. His virgin bride, was pregnant a terribly scandalous situation.

To fully appreciate the impact of this unexplained pregnancy of Mary upon Joseph, we need to look into  the basic formalities of Jewish marriage in those days.

In those days marriage consists of two stages: First stage is the betrothal. Second stage is the Marriage Proper which happens one year later from betrothal.

In the betrothal stage,   the engagement is formalized by an agreement. This is initiated usually by the father of the groom, and the respective parents of the bride and the groom meet and negotiate the marriage settlement. When the agreement is done, the Qiddushin or formal betrothal takes place.  This formal betrothal is as binding as marriage itself, although there is no marriage ceremony that takes place yet.

The betrothal agreement, however, is as binding as marriage itself, since the only way to get out of this relationship is by divorce.  If Joseph had died between the betrothal and the marriage, Mary would have been his legal widow.

It was at this stage of formal engagement between Joseph and Mary, that Mary became pregnant with child, as announced by the angel. They had to wait for a year for the marriage ceremony to take place. The binding effect  of Jewish marriage already applies in the betrothal stage. The wedding celebration or ceremony which would come later after a year, is only a recognition of the formal agreement already established in the engagement.  

This is the reason why in Matthew, we read that “Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 1:18),  and in the succeeding verse Joseph is described as Mary’s “husband” which seems to contradict the previous statement that they were only “pledged to be married.”  

There is no contradiction here because Jewish law already considers them as husband and wife even at the betrothal stage. This is the reason why Joseph had the perfect right to travel with Mary to Bethlehem. They were considered as husband and wife, but the only prohibition was that they should refrain from sexual relations until the second stage of the marriage is completed, that is, the marriage ceremony.

The pregnancy of Mary at this  stage, was highly scandalous more so with Joseph who surely knew that he was not the human agency who caused the pregnancy of his wife. This is not only scandalous but evidence of adultery.   This was indeed a shocking revelation to Joseph. The only thing he knew about the child Mary was carrying was he did not sire the child. And the only humanly possible  conclusion that could be drawn from this situation was that Mary committed adultery. Jewish law at that time provided for the harshest  penalty for adultery that is death by stoning. It is also a ground for divorce.

As we focus the spotlight on Joseph what did he do to merit the Biblical declaration that he was righteous?  

Let’s read  Matthew, “Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. But after he had considered this an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, Joseph  son of David do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife because what is conceived in  her is from the Holy Spirit.”

Here we see that even before the angel appeared to Joseph and explained everything to him, his thought and action revealed his merciful heart,  overflowing with kindness and forgiveness.  He did not want to expose Mary if Mary had really done such a thing to defile their marital union. Joseph was a merciful, forgiving, and compassionate man. He did not want to humiliate Mary. He did not want to expose her publicly and condemn her even at the risk of placing her under indictment for adultery. He did not want to accuse her of a grievous sin. He did not want to hurt her, nor avenge the dishonor.   He chose not to exercise the full extent of his  legal rights, and instead suffered to be wronged.

Here is a man who stands out for his kindness, compassion, forgiving spirit, and love. A man of rare qualities  shining like a gem in this unforgiving  world, where we frequently  see  condemnation, hatred, and indecency.


Monday, December 23, 2013



In the  town of Nazareth nestled among the hills of Galilee was the home of Joseph and Mary who were known as the earthly parents of Jesus.

Now Joseph was of the lineage of David and so when a Roman decree was sent out to the people to be taxed, he had to go to Bethlehem, the city of David to have his name enrolled. This was a toilsome journey as people travelled in those times.

Mary who was pregnant with child went with her husband as they climbed the hill on which Bethlehem stood. She longed for a comfortable place to rest, but the inns were already full. The humble couple had to find shelter in the crude building where cattle was kept. Joseph and Mary did not possess  much of earth’s riches, but they had the love of God. They were children of the Heavenly King who was about to give them a wonderful honor. Angels had been watching their journey.

There in the lowly shed, Jesus the Messiah, the Savior was born and laid on the cattle trough. In that cattle trough which served as a cradle, laid the Son of the Highest.

All Christians regardless of denomination, affirm the doctrine of Incarnation. This doctrine is supported by the Holy Scriptures. 

Theologians describe the Incarnation as a mystery. Lecerf said, "The presence of mystery is the footprint of the divine.”

The most staggering historical fact of all time is the virgin birth of our Savior. God became flesh to submit to mortality. The infant born in Bethlehem was and is God. Christians believe in the amazing mystery that Jesus Christ was truly God made man. In the highest act of condescension Christ  took humanity without loss of Deity so He was fully and truly Divine as He was human. The plurality of persons within the unity of God and the union of Godhead and manhood in the person of Jesus Christ.

The Word was made flesh. God became a man. The Almighty appeared in human history as an infant, helpless like any newly born child.

St. John declares this mystery, with a touch of poetry:

In the beginning was the Word. (Word Eternal)
And the Word was with God. (Word a distinct Person)
And the Word was God (Word Divine)
All things were made by Him. (Word Creating)
In Him was life. (Word animating)
And the Life was the Light of men. (Word revealing)
And the Word became flesh. (Word Incarnate)

This is mainly the reason why Christians celebrate the human birth of our Lord.

I say with pride and am deeply touched by the way Filipinos celebrate the birth of our Lord . We mark this occasion as a special holiday. We cease from our labor.  We go to our churches and reflect  on the virgin birth, families gather and are reunited to celebrate with joy, surrounding the dining  table full of  food on Christmas eve,  praying and thanking God for the Blessings received and the greatest gift who is the Christ of Christmas. 

Merry Christmas! 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


In one of my Sunday school classes, we were dealing with the question why God’s chosen people the Hebrews despite the awesome revelation given to them and the manifestation of God’s power in their lives as a nation, often revert  back to paganism and the worship of idols, forsaking the true and living God of their fathers.

When I asked an old wizened member of the class why the seemingly hard to explain absurdity for these people,  to  habitually fall in the repetitive cycle  of  faith,  disobedience, punishment, and repentance, he said this is not really hard to explain. Not even surprising. We see the same cycle repeat itself in the present times. In fact this condition adequately describes the state of fallen man. 

In the case of the Israelites, he said, their descent to idolatrous practice, turning their back from God, by  following the gods of their neighbors may be objectively judged as irrational, but it was actually a question of faith which waxed cold.  This wise Christian said, it is far easier for man to worship different types idols which he can see, touch or feel, or, which might represent what he falsely conceives as god, or gods, than to be steadfast and faithful to the Invisible Almighty God whom he cannot see, in the physical realm.

Dallas Willard,  Professor of Philosophy at the University of Southern California has aptly described this condition:
“Our faith may easily fall victim to our mind’s tendency to spatialize everything. If we think of God as being literally outside the physical realm, then it will seem as if He is utterly out of reach for us, and we, out of reach for Him. The edge of the unknown Universe is now thought to be something like forty six to forty seven billion light years away. Beyond that even light waves, travelling at the speed of 186,284 miles per second can never reach us! How then can we reach God or He us if He is out there? “
“The material world in which we are placed by God permits Him to be nearer to us even than our own eyes, ears and brain are near. It is in Him that we live and move and have our being.(Acts 17:28)  So I shall hasten to remind you that God does not have to go through special intermediaries of any sort to reach us-though on some occasions He obviously chooses to do so.”

Christianity is a religion of revelation. It is a faith founded on the Biblical fact that God has come, revealed Himself, and walked on this earth, became flesh and lived an earthly life. God Himself in the person of Jesus Christ true God and true man. This is admittedly  the greatest mystery of the ages. 

Where would man be without this great and surpassing revelation?

Perhaps he would still be worshipping the spirit of his ancestors. Or the moon or the sun or the crocodiles or the carved images or perhaps he would end up worshipping himself. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen(Romans 1:25).

And where would Christmas be without the Christ?

Merry Christmas! my wise old friend said.

Happy Holidays! a visitor from North America said.