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ON MEDITATION There are a few well meaning Christian friends who ask me about my leaning towards eastern philosophy and meditation. I w...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


We often underestimate our ability to make a significant difference in our small corner of the world.

My friend who works as a clerk in a bank tells me there are times that he belittles himself because he feels he belongs to the lower rung of the corporate ladder that what he does every day  hardly matters at all.

This is a deception. 

God’s word reminds us that we are indeed significant. We are the only creature formed in the image our Creator. We are much more than we think even if we count ourselves as belonging to the class of the ordinary.

Our Lord said we are worth more than the lesser creatures like the birds of the air. 

We may find ourselves in a place where our feeble contribution will seem so negligible as to make an impact of earthshaking transformation in the lives of people, nations, and communities. But if we live a life pleasing to before God, we see that our daily acts of compassion, love, honesty, diligence, patience and kindness, will significantly create ripples of change to make  a small corner of this world a better place.

Cheer up friend! Continue to be faithful.

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