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ON MEDITATION There are a few well meaning Christian friends who ask me about my leaning towards eastern philosophy and meditation. I w...

Thursday, January 7, 2021




No one can call himself truly educated without some acquaintance with the Bible which has had, and still has, such a profound impact on world thought. However, just here we might meet an objection. We might meet someone who says he doesn’t believe in God so why bother. Why should he be interested in what it says, telling us he lives his life without acknowledging any god whatever. We really can’t convince him to pick up the good book if he says he doesn’t believe in God. But perhaps we can persuade him to read it out of intellectual curiosity, after all he reads the daily newspaper and doesn’t believe everything written on it. And one thing more. Our unbelieving friend claims he doesn’t believe in any god. The statement might be intellectually sincere but practically arguable. The weight of human experience over centuries of history is against this claim. It all depends on what you mean by God. Multitudes of people all down the ages have decided with the Philosopher Nietsche that “God is dead” and decided to banish from their minds all belief in the One True God. But honestly, they have to pay a price for this intellectual conviction, for thereafter, they have found it practically impossible to live either intellectually or emotionally in a completely godless world. Deliberately or subconsciously they have filled the vacuum left by the dismissal of the One True God with all kinds of substitute gods. Over the course of history people had made gods and goddesses and even made “chance” or “fate” as a god. The ancient Greeks did it.

So to this unbelieving friend, he will certainly not commit intellectual suicide if he picks up the Bible and begin to read  the greatest book of all time. If he reads abstruse poetry or absurdist plays, why not the Bible? I did, and it turned around my life.

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